A picture

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Re: A picture

Postby Eddie Acunzo » Thu Oct 16, 2008 3:31 pm


A "One on one" fair fight is one thing, but when he "pants" you he crossed a line, especially since he was winning the fight anyway. That's when your friends should have jumped in, if they had their jeans on of course. It's funny how those late night alcohol-fueled encounters turned violent in the blink of an eye, ain't it? Today they might be drawing Uzi's.

Eddie Acunzo
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Re: A picture

Postby Richard Semey » Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:02 pm

Hey guys, does anyone remember me, Rick Semey. I am alive and kicking in New York, soon to relocate to God's country in the State of Delaware. Hope this finds you all in good health and regards to all. LONG LIVE THE ARCHER RAMS
Richard Semey
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Re: A picture

Postby pgirty » Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:00 pm

John - what a great picture. Now I didn't work at the pizzeria but since we spent a great deal of time there - Neil felt we girls should make ourselves useful if we wanted to stay - so we would spend hours making 100's of pizza boxes for the Friday stampede.

As far as I know until Vinnie's pizzaria expanded that was the only restaurant. I agree that toy Sun was OUR Chinese restaurant - and I think the bowling alley had some sort of snack bar.

Rota's up on Tremont was a date night special and there was the Burger place by the Parkchester train that had a locomotive running around it - I think one of the guys from the neighborhood derailed it and we were banned from every coming back.

Meatless Friday's in our family were pizza, mack and cheese with fish cases (we didn't eat fish - I was terrified of the bones - they did bless your throat to protect you - but it seemed smarter to avoid fish all together.
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Joined: Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:23 pm

Re: A picture

Postby pgirty » Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:00 pm

John - what a great picture. Now I didn't work at the pizzeria but since we spent a great deal of time there - Neil felt we girls should make ourselves useful if we wanted to stay - so we would spend hours making 100's of pizza boxes for the Friday stampede.

As far as I know until Vinnie's pizzaria expanded that was the only restaurant. I agree that toy Sun was OUR Chinese restaurant - and I think the bowling alley had some sort of snack bar.

Rota's up on Tremont was a date night special and there was the Burger place by the Parkchester train that had a locomotive running around it - I think one of the guys from the neighborhood derailed it and we were banned from every coming back.

Meatless Friday's in our family were pizza, mack and cheese with fish cases (we didn't eat fish - I was terrified of the bones - they did bless your throat to protect you - but it seemed smarter to avoid fish all together.
Posts: 32
Joined: Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:23 pm

Re: A picture

Postby Don D » Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:37 pm


I remember many good times hanging around the school yard with you, Danny Bracco, Rabbit Schenke, Bailey Burke, Donald Gibson and others. You can contact me at desd44@aol.com.


Don Diehl
Don D
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Re: A picture

Postby 1466Beach » Wed Sep 30, 2009 4:29 pm

Hey Richard Semey, If you graduated from St. Anthony's in '67, then we were in the same class. Catherine Culhane here. Good luck in Delaware. I remember you and Richard Burke always had us laughing.
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Re: A picture

Postby Jo Rizzo » Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:27 am

Morning everyone,

Patty the burger place on Metropolitan Ave by the Parkchester Station, was called the Hamburger Express. It had the train set running around the counter and would deliver the burgers and the rest of your meal. When it closed it became the Step In Restaurant which is still there. The Playdrome Bowling alley did have a snack bar. It was run by a couple of brothers that live up on Guerlain between Thieriot and Leland. Their names were Jack and Frank. Older gentlemen. Funny you should mention that. I still see Frank (or is it Jack, they both look alike, could pass for twins)down at the bowling alley. Both were still bowling only one was recently sick. Only now it over at Van Nest Lanes on Morris Park and Bronxdale. We were talking about that during the summer league. He did mention his children went to St. Anthony's but if I recall correctly he said they were a few years younger then us. I don't recall their names. He did mention them. Toy Sun was great. If you remember the Green Dragon in Parkchester, it moved over to Tremont down in the Throggs Neck. The original owners recently sold it within the past year. The new owners kept the name though.

Take care,

Jo Rizzo
Jo Rizzo
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