Bronx Movie Theatres Frequented in 1960s

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Re: Bronx Movie Theatres Frequented in 1960s

Postby Les Sherwood » Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:40 pm

i was having some problens in posting on a previous one re"need more posts'" enter in 2008.
So I piggybacked on this one which was a great one.
Lately thee has been a scarcity of new post esp those that deals with experiences in the old neighborhood.
Since i an considered one of the "older" groups i would like to add a few posts. I know I probably I write too much but I am working to get more of our older group to contribute more.
Why? My intention is not really altrusitic. i enjoy hearing other stories about the neighborhood.
So if I come off a bit pushy please bear with me.
We had a lot of great posts over the years but I still believe we are only scratching the surface. As I said peviously sail: "There are 8 millioin stories in the naked" and this was (could be) one of them.
Les Sherwood
Posts: 173
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:12 pm

Re: Bronx Movie Theatres Frequented in 1960s

Postby marie-elena (ferracano) r » Tue Apr 14, 2009 8:12 pm

Dearest Les,
1st let me inform you, that you are not being pushy. I happen to post a lot more than you.I may hold the record, for most postings. so I understand what you are trying to say. You are trying to get the older crowd to post some stories or add to an old story. Maybe to verify something from the old neighborhood. I have been writing on this site for almost 3 years. Not only do i enjoy stories from the old neighborhood. But it has pulled me through some rough times. I learned things about my mom, I never knew. When she passed away 3 years ago. Some really nice people ( a few, I didn't know) posted nice stories and comments, about her.

I, also believe that our webmaster, put a lot of effort into getting this site together. I know he and his wife continue putting time into this site. There are so many new people on the site. Every so often, someone new signs on. I have been blessed to get in touch with very special old friends. As well as making new, wonderful friends. Due to this site.So many people read the postings, but don't write anything, for various reasons.

last, but not least. I have relatives, friends and co-workers, who can go "back home". The town, where they grew up, is still the same. Some, have parents, who still live in the house, where they were raised. All I have is "STRATTON PARK".
I have laughed and cried, while reading messages. So please Les, and all the others who post or may want to leave a message. Don't stop. love, marie-elena
marie-elena (ferracano) r
Posts: 152
Joined: Sat May 26, 2007 7:30 am

Re: Bronx Movie Theatres Frequented in 1960s

Postby Les Sherwood » Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:32 pm

Thank you for nice and interesting comments.
Les Sherwood
Posts: 173
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:12 pm

Re: Bronx Movie Theatres Frequented in 1960s

Postby Jo Rizzo » Mon May 18, 2009 11:19 am

I know this response is a little late, but just had to let Marie Elena know. Last night I was sitting at a booth in the Tremont Dinner with my mom. We had went to 7:00 Mass and went to the dinner for a snack.

In walked two women and I looked at one and though I know her from somewhere but being that it was a neighborhood dinner I let it go. Lo and behold she walked right up to me and said, How Great it is to see an old friend from St. Anthonys!!! She stood and talked for a few minutes and all she kept repeating , how I miss the old neighborhood. It was just like a family and St Anthony's!!!
Told her yes we all sit there and talk about the good ole neighborhood.

Mind you, she was not one of us Old Timers who grew up in Stratton Park she came later and her children did grow up there and went to St. Anthony's. I knew her from when I helped out in St. Anthonys in the Teen Club and CYO. (Very late 70's and early 80's). Marie Elena, I was the one who helped you bar-be-que at the last Congers outing. When we were growing up I hung out with Patty Lamas, Chris Wagner and that group.

See you again this year at COngers.

Jo Rizzo
Jo Rizzo
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Re: Bronx Movie Theatres Frequented in 1960s

Postby Les Sherwood » Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:46 pm

hi all
Recently a group of friends shared an e-mail(s) about 10-15 favorits movies.
in early posts about movies in the 60's and movie house we went to. As I recall we had a good input and shred good memories.
i hope you sharing your favorite will resul in some good memories and suggestions.
please no0te my list of 15 farorite movies:
The Aparment
To Kill a Mocking bird
The Godfather(Trilogy)
Dr Zhivago
On the Waterfront
Saving Private Ryan
It's a Wonderful life
Gunga Din
Dirty Harry(or The million Dollar Baby or Gran torino-I like clint Eastwood movies)
Some Like it Hot
One Flew over the Cookoo Nest
All Quiet on On the Western Front
Chariots of Fire
Close Encounters of a Third Kind
I bet you will have a hard time in limiting it to 15(we started with 10 but that was too restricting.)
after you send your list and comments youmay want to go to Wikipedia and 100 years..100 movies. And you will see a lot of movies that you include.
Thanks for your input and let's try to get website site broiling again with Posts. it is too good a website to let it sit fallowall the best
Les Sherwood
Posts: 173
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:12 pm

Re: Bronx Movie Theatres Frequented in 1960s

Postby Parkchester Guy » Sun Jul 15, 2012 12:45 am

5 favorite movies--in order

A Man For All Seasons
Lawrence of Arabia
West Side Story
On The Waterfront
Babette's Feast

Just thought of 5 more ----

The Victors (obscure one - 1963)
The Sand Pebbles
Umberto D
The Quiet Man

Just thought of 100 more --

I'll spare you.

Hi, Les - good to be back.
Parkchester Guy
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Joined: Fri May 22, 2009 11:32 am

Re: Bronx Movie Theatres Frequented in 1960s

Postby Les Sherwood » Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:46 pm

Hi i must be missing something. I thought I saw a post from Parkchester Gur re movies houses in 1960's but i culd locate it. it was dated 7-12-12. maybe it was eraced.
Oh well maybe he could send it again.
Les Sherwood
Posts: 173
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:12 pm

Re: Bronx Movie Theatres Frequented in 1960s

Postby Parkchester Guy » Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:18 pm

Les - Only post I made on this thread is the one right above yours.

Now that I look at the thread more carefully, I see it was about movie THEATERS more than movies.

Other than the Paradise, the Loews-American was the nicest one I remember. And I also remember the Palace for its two feature movies, 10 cartoons, a Superboy serial, the News Of The Day, and the Star Spangled Banner. All for 26 cents on any Saturday winter matinee for kids.

We'd spend the day there and drive the poor matron crazy.
Parkchester Guy
Posts: 13
Joined: Fri May 22, 2009 11:32 am

Re: Bronx Movie Theatres Frequented in 1960s

Postby Jo Rizzo » Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:41 pm

:? I know this is way beyond the fact, does anyone remember the name of the movie theater on Westchester Ave. by St. Lawrence? I may have asked this before but can't remember.
Jo Rizzo
Jo Rizzo
Posts: 87
Joined: Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:16 pm


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