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Postby Jo Rizzo » Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:47 pm

Good afternoon everyone,

Finally got my computer fixed and glad to be back on our favorite site. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Picnic this year!!! We need more to come. So remember this year it will be held on July 20, 2013 at Congers State Park.

We always have a great time being with old friends. Hope to see everyone there.

Jo Rizzo
Jo Rizzo
Jo Rizzo
Posts: 87
Joined: Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:16 pm

Re: Picnic

Postby Les Sherwood » Fri Jul 19, 2013 10:46 am

Hi Jo
Please advise the exit on I 87 as I always I forget, 12?
Thanks. Les
Les Sherwood
Posts: 173
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:12 pm

Re: Picnic

Postby Les Sherwood » Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:00 am

As usual the Conger's picnic was good. Thank you for efforts in cooking and helping out as well as the Merendinos as well as others. It was a good turn out and the weather was fine.
It is always to visit with some friends from Archer street.. I find meeting in a fun situation very interesting. it was great to see your mother being there. While I did not meet her before I found talking to her interesting. She was even reading some of our book. As 97 (?) she seems to be in good health.
Awhile ago Anthony's grandmother had her 102nd birthday and many people congratulated her on facebook, which was great.
I received some more info on her from Anthony and I am going to add that to my 2nd edition. I would like to add something on your mother as well John Tell's mother. I think thank it would be great for our history. What do you think. You can email me Lessherwood@comcast.
All the best. Les
Les Sherwood
Posts: 173
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:12 pm

Re: Picnic

Postby Jo Rizzo » Fri Jul 26, 2013 9:33 pm

Thanks Les. It was my pleasure. Yes, we had a great turnout. Thought it would be to hot for mom, but it was just right with the breeze off of Congers Lake. Mom enjoyed finishing the Book about Ed at home. She didn't realize I had it here. There's not much to tell about mom. My email is jrizzo1400@gmail.com. Let me know what you're looking for.

Again a great time was had by all. I want to add my thanks to both the Merendino's and Metchner's for all the time and effort putting this together.

Jo Rizzo
Jo Rizzo
Posts: 87
Joined: Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:16 pm

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