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Postby Linda Hall » Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:32 pm

Just a thought till we figure this out.I hope I am not being bold.I am sorry if anyone finds my intentions to be wrong.It is just an idea.LOL LInda Hall
Linda Hall
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Postby Linda Hall » Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:35 pm

Hi Marion I,m in all topics.I hope I did the right thing. Lets get this going here jump in to this don' be shy.
Linda Hall
Posts: 80
Joined: Tue May 01, 2007 8:43 pm

Postby matt keenan » Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:02 am

Hello All and All Topics: I'm doing a little experiment here to test out Linda's "all topics" suggestion. If it works we can put all our postings under this one "all topics" subject and this way there will be a string of all the postings just like the old site without travelling through a myriad of subjects posted by many folks making the site seem unmanageable. Okay here we go. I'll be back with another tert. However we'll need support from everyone else to do the same thing and not create new topics. Love, Peace and Happiness, Matty
matt keenan
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Postby matt keenan » Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:43 am

Hello to All: Linda, I am answering your trivia question under the subject of trivia and putting it here under "all topics" so as to get away from all these subjects that driving me nuts.. Lets see, What does St. Anthony's have now that we didn't have. My guess is computers. Right now I'd like to throw mine out the window. Have a good day to all, enjoy. Love, Peace and Happiness, Matt
matt keenan
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Postby matt keenan » Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:57 pm

Hello All: I was just informed that the idea to put all postings under one topic such "all topics" will not work because a particular subject or topic will only have a threshold to accept 30 to 50 postings. Okay, back to the drawing board. I must say that after working with the site for some time it does take getting used to and the more it is used the easier it is to use, like anything else, change is not always easy and requires adaptation before acceptnce. On the good side it certainly appears that there are a lot of viewers. Have a great day, stay cool. Love, Peace and Happiness, Matt Keenan
matt keenan
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Postby Linda Hall » Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:58 pm

Hello Matty and thanks for the backup on the idea to do what might be a bit easy for the people :) No action or agree or disagree from anyone. :( Well we will see. :?: Matty that is possible they have them not really sure. :( Will have to look into that :roll: but Matty that is not the answer I am looking for.It is so easy :idea: Take another guess. :idea:
Linda Hall
Posts: 80
Joined: Tue May 01, 2007 8:43 pm

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Postby Linda Hall » Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:03 pm

Hello Matty and thanks for the backup on the idea to do what might be a bit easy for the people :) No action an agree or disagree from anyone. :( Well we will see. :?: Matty that is possible they have them not really sure. :( Will have to look into that :roll: but Matty that is not the answer I am looking for.It is so easy :idea: Take another guess. :idea: It is amazing when you stop and think of it. 8) I will give a clue tomorrow if noone can come up with it. :)
Linda Hall
Posts: 80
Joined: Tue May 01, 2007 8:43 pm

one topic

Postby Linda Hall » Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:10 pm

Matty did not see your post before the last one.I see no can do well like you say that was easy. :)
Linda Hall
Posts: 80
Joined: Tue May 01, 2007 8:43 pm

Postby Pat (Jacob) Abbamonte » Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:23 pm

Hi Linda, Cathy, and All:

First of all let me thank my internet guru Linda :lol: for helping a novice "FIND THE LIGHT" - THANK YOU LINDA :D If ever I can be a torch for you YOU GOT IT! :wink: I have finally found my way to any topic I want to go to and since I never have very much to say - and am never long winded :wink: I thank you and hope I now have the hang of using this new website... Although I did a goodly amount of chatter for just the two I was able to locate :lol: There may be other people who want to strangle you for showing me how Linda LOL Before I leave just wanted to say a fast hello to someone special who has been in my prayers and who I am sooo glad to hear is doing better "Hi to Vinnie Imbrosi" and please get your email address up on the site so we can drop you a line from time to time. Hope you can make the Congers Lake picnic and I hope that Freddy and I can too. Love and Best and Prayers to all: Patsy
Regards and Best To all Always,

Pat (Jacob) Abbamonte
Posts: 73
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Postby Pat (Jacob) Abbamonte » Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:46 pm

Hi Linda, Cathy, and All:

First of all let me thank my internet guru Linda :lol: for helping a novice "FIND THE LIGHT" - THANK YOU LINDA :D If ever I can be a torch for you YOU GOT IT! :wink: I have finally found my way to any topic I want to go to and since I never have very much to say - and am never long winded :wink: I thank you and hope I now have the hang of using this new website... Although I did a goodly amount of chatter for just the two I was able to locate :lol: There may be other people who want to strangle you for showing me how Linda LOL Before I leave just wanted to say a fast hello to someone special who has been in my prayers and who I am sooo glad to hear is doing better "Hi to Vinnie Imbrosi" and please get your email address up on the site so we can drop you a line from time to time. Hope you can make the Congers Lake picnic and I hope that Freddy and I can too. Love and Best and Prayers to all: Patsy
Regards and Best To all Always,

Pat (Jacob) Abbamonte
Posts: 73
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Postby Linda Hall » Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:10 pm

Patsy it was my pleasure to help out.I am glad you got it.I had some time of it at first but it is very simple just a lot of moving around thats all.I have to get you Vinny's email I never wrote it down but spoke to him.He also is having trouble and asked me to quide him through it.I am hoping to hear from him in a bit.He said they had a blackout and everything shut down he hopes to be back in business soon.Patsy again no problem was glad to help out what are friends for right?Your friend Linda and hope to talk soon.I will be making my way over to the movies to join you soon. :D
Linda Hall
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Joined: Tue May 01, 2007 8:43 pm

Postby claire scanlon » Mon Jun 11, 2007 6:52 pm

Hi Linda Its me I hope all the others from Archer St. continue to help us stay together on this new site. Remember we are the best from a neighborhood with alot of good memories. And good people!!!
claire scanlon
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Postby Linda Hall » Mon Jun 11, 2007 8:54 pm

To the pretty and you one of um my sista chick love ya a bunch of sugar cookies.Glad you got on you the bestest of the bestest my pretty and your right the more the better.You is always right and you have courage hahahahaahhah.
Linda Hall
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Joined: Tue May 01, 2007 8:43 pm

Postby Marion Farrell Cronin » Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:22 pm

That was some neighborhood slang you used. I am going to have to start calling you Linda from the Hood! LOL
Marion Farrell Cronin
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Postby Linda Hall » Thu Jun 14, 2007 6:14 am

Hi Marion you one of da sista chicks too.We have ta let ya in da wizard of oz thing we still play hahahahha.Well Marion as I play around I am getting to be a pro at the new site sooooo easy once you get the hang of it and I agree with you I too like seeing the topics they are alot of fun and of course no spam.I just wish we would get a new friend to stop by don't you? I quess in time we will get a surprise.I had so much fun in one of my posts used every smile face.Got a big kick out of it!
Linda Hall
Posts: 80
Joined: Tue May 01, 2007 8:43 pm


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