needs your help - POST POST POST!!!!

CLICK "Stratton Park" ABOVE for Information & History about Stratton Park - Just like always!!!!!!! needs your help - POST POST POST!!!!

Postby info » Sun Jun 08, 2008 6:01 pm

We would just like to thank all the great folks that we met at the various reunion functions that had many kind words about this site:

Without a doubt, the message board is the favorite on the site. So, this is where we need your help. Many, many people told us that they ALWAYS read, but don't like to post for various reasons ( I'm afraid, people don't want to hear what I have to say ) and many, many other reasons.

This website can only survive with participation. We need more posts, so that there is more to read!!! If we don't get new material, people will stop visiting, and then we might as well close up shop!

The concept of this board is to discuss living in the greatest spot in the world – Stratton Park!

We know people care – this was evident from the great turnout we had at the reunion, mass and related activities.

Last month, (May 2008) there were 2.084 DIFFERENT people that visited the message area of the website. Of these, 52 POSTS WERE MADE!!! 52 ! And that includes all the info posted on the reunion.

So please, we want your input – please share your thoughts – and POST. :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Site Admin
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Postby bronxyank » Wed Aug 13, 2008 3:42 pm

Does anyone know the where'a bouts'of Billy Oneil or anyone else from the champion Archer Rams of the 1960s?
please contact me,
Last edited by bronxyank on Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: Albuq,NewMex

Postby claire scanlon » Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:14 am

When i was at the Picnic last month quite a few friends I spoke to liked the old format better I know for myself I recieved alot of e-mails from friends i haden't seen in years.So maybe try that i also wanted to thank Maria and linda for there sweet words about me.its away a good feeling being with our friends from so long ago.we are a lucky bunch!!
claire scanlon
Posts: 18
Joined: Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:24 pm


Postby bronxyank » Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:21 pm

HI,read a message by Jimmy Carolan regarding the aardvarks,some other guys, Dennis(SAM)Simpson,Bobby Cousins,Dimas Felico,me(Hal Tuttle)Billy Sullivan,John Burk,Billy O'neil,Charlie Tell,Freddie Jenkins(the pellet)Anthony(Buggsy)Merendino,Fritzy.and others. ya,Sam came up with the name AARDVARKS.We wrote the name on the handball court wall with all the scores of the games we played,prior to ED Stack starting the archer ramsif anyone can add anything,e-mail
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I liked the old format better...

Postby Lydia58 » Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:10 am

for some reason it just seemed more accessible and easy to use. Nobody is posting anymore. Change is not always for the better. Let's go back to the old format. That's my vote.
Lydia Beatty-Cottiers
Posts: 56
Joined: Mon May 28, 2007 9:11 am

Postby Marion Farrell Cronin » Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:31 am

Hi Lydia - thanks for the input.

Unfortunately, there were a few problems with the old format.

I don't know if you remember but some individuals were posting vile and hurtful things directed at specific people. They had bogus e-mail addresses and there was no way to stop them from re-posting. Several people were incredibly hurt by these remarks. The new format requires a valid e-mail address. This has stopped those people from posting, and although the ~~ sites can still post, we are working on a way to stop them once and for all.

The second problem was the spam issue. For reasons unknown to us, some words were labeled as spam (even innocuous words) and people's posts were rejected. We asked them to send us the post so we could find the the "offending" word. Some of the posts were long and it took hours to find the specific word. We literally had to examine every single word - and if the post had several thousand words - and if several people sent their posts on the same day - it presented quite a problem.

The new format does not have this sort of spam filter, so anyone can post just about anything. Also, some people were annoyed when we had to change a word.

So, as you can see, nothing is perfect.
Marion Farrell Cronin
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Postby marie-elena (ferracano) r » Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:36 am

Hhello Dearest Marion & all my other Stratton Park Buddies,

Hope all is well by everyone, on this last day of September. I understand about the issues with the old site. If anypone appreciates all that you and mike do for this site. It's me. I have learned a long time ago. You can not please everyone, all the time. So THANK-YOU, so very much. Just because people don't post messages, doesn't mean they haven't been affected, some way by this site. Some of us, have been blessed, by meeting new friends. Also finding old friends. I feel as long as we have this site. We still have "Stratton Park". I have had problems getting on, some times. Than I see some of the "junkmail" that gets on and I get so annoyed. But i don't give up.
Stay Safe & Happy Dear friends,
marie-elena (ferracano) r
Posts: 152
Joined: Sat May 26, 2007 7:30 am

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