Archer Rams PICs

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Archer Rams PICs

Postby bronxyank » Tue Oct 07, 2008 4:49 pm

Does anyone have any pictures of Rams football or names of players? I'VE submitted some to site. I'll send more,but can't remember some names._______(( also ck. pict .pg.13))
Thanks Bronxyank
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Re: Archer Rams PICs

Postby 1466Beach » Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:41 pm

Hi, new member here so hopefully this will post properly. I was browsing this site recently at the suggestion of another Bronx buddy and read the request for names of previous Archer Rams. Not sure if there are names posted elsewhere but had these to add: Joe Mola, QB#12, probably late 60's and '70/'71. Sal Falgiano #13, same timeframe, Anthony Ferrarra (Joe's cousin, last name spelling might be off). The three lived on Leland and hung out at Minnie's candy store and Murray's hardware on Archer towards White Plains Road. Joes' brothers were Danny (part owner of Murray's for a while) and Louie. Joe passed away in January 1972 at age 20. Wonder if anyone remembers them.
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Re: Archer Rams PICs

Postby Don D » Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:30 pm

I played with Joe Mola, Sal Faggiano & Anthony Ferrara. I think Bronx Yank was looking for players a few years prior to that.

Players during that era were Kevin Bourke, John Tell, Jack Cusack, Joe Larkin, Mike Prior, Gary Hilliard, Dan Nocerino, Tom O'Gara, Harry Kelly, Kevin & Tommy McElroy, Donald Gibson, Andy Fay, Tom O'Gara, Bobby Finnis, Joe Critelli, Joe Bello, Ed Sheehan, Rabbit Schenke, Danny Cunningham from the neighborhood. There were about 7 -8 guys fromm Parkchester Mike Shanahan, Larry Ayres, Mike Monahan, _____ Carter, another 4 or 5 from Morris Park, Tony Malone, John Bastone, Sal _____, Chris _____, Dom______ & some from Clausen Point - Dennis Kenahan, Mike Dunn. If I took a little longer, I could probably name almost the entire roster.

You can contact me at

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Re: Archer Rams PICs

Postby 1466Beach » Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:30 pm

Hi Don, I went to St. Anthony's with some of those guys you named. You and I were in the same grade but not the same class. You were in Mary Lynn Purallo's class, I was in Joey Bello, Don Gibson's, etc. You probably wouldn't know me, I didn't hang out in any of the usual places. My name back then was Cathy Culhane. I was friends with Lynn Purallo from your class who I mentioned before, Michelle McCormick (John McCormick's cousin), John lived on Mansion. Joe Mola and I were engaged when he died. Anyway, interesting website you guys have here. Many names are unknown to me but those I remember I can picture clearly. Thanks for the reply.
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Re: Archer Rams PICs

Postby Marion Farrell Cronin » Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:35 pm

Hi Cathy,

Do you have a brother named Thomas? If so, we went through St. Anthony's together (class of 72).

I lived on Leland and think I remember Joe. If my recollections are accurate, he rode a motorcycle? He was older than I so we never "hung out" but we were very sorry to hear that he had passed.


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Re: Archer Rams PICs

Postby Don D » Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:09 pm

Hi Cathy!

Yes, I do remember you with the red hair. You were very nice and always quiet, not like the rest of the crazies from Archer St.
I remember that you & Joe were engaged when he passed away. He was a great guy and really missed by all of his friends.

Some follow up on your classmates - I still see Joe Bello at the Mud Bowl every year, he lives in the Bronx, Donald Gibson lives in Houston, Brian Clark in California, Tom McElroy in New Jersey. Richie Burke passed away a few years back.If you look through the website of the re-unions, I'm sure you may recognize some of the faces & names.

Do you still hear from Mary Lynn? She was always good for a laugh back then at St.Anthony's.

I hope the years have been good to you.

Keep in touch.

Don D
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Re: Archer Rams PICs

Postby 1466Beach » Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:04 am

Hi Marion, Yes, Tom is my brother. He's married and living in the Bronx, I thought I recognized your name.

Don, I still see Lynn, in fact she was the one who wanted me to get an ID on this website along w/her. I have been asking her where her name is on this site! (I don't think she has the id yet.) We both live with our families in Putnam County about 20 minutes away from each other. She's still a lot of fun and I'm still the quiet one!

Good to chat with both of you. Will keep checking in on the site !
Thanks for the messages.
Cathy Raybeck (Culhane)
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Re: Archer Rams PICs

Postby Jo Rizzo » Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:35 am

Morning everyone,

Please refresh my memory, was Joe Mola also know as Pete Mola. I remember a Pete Mola who lived on Leland that road a motorcycle, and also died. He was related to both Danny and Louie who worked in Murrays on Archer. They lived acrossed the street from their relatives.

Jo RIzzo
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Re: Archer Rams PICs

Postby 1466Beach » Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:06 pm

Hi Jo,
No, Joe was not Pete. You might be thinking of their cousin Pete Deseverio (not sure of the spelling of the last name). Pete also had two sisters. One worked in the supermarket on Archer near Murray's, I think her name was Bunny? I think his other sister was 'Cookie'. Have no idea what their real names were, just the nicknames.
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Re: Archer Rams PICs

Postby Jo Rizzo » Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:46 pm

Hey Cathy,

You're right. Don't know why I thought he was Danny and Louie's brother. I do remember Bunny and Cookie. Forgot which one was closer to my age. I beleive there was a third sister Pam, but again she might be another cousin. I beleive the one that worked in Pioneer on Archer was Pam. Not sure. But it was one of them. I really then don't remember Joe.


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Re: Archer Rams PICs

Postby Marion Farrell Cronin » Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:29 pm

Cathy, tell Thomas I said "hello". I too live in the Bronx and could probably pass him on the street and not recognize him.
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