Southern Surprise

CLICK "Stratton Park" ABOVE for Information & History about Stratton Park - Just like always!!!!!!!

Southern Surprise

Postby Jimmy Carolan » Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:59 am

I travel quite a bit for work and recently was in Savannah, GA. for meeting / Golf Event. While strolling along River Street in the "Historic Section" of Savannah I passed a group of people outside a restaurant. I was on my cell phone at the time so my attention was divided. Suddenly I thought, wait a minute, I know these people. I turned around to see Dennis Milone, Danny O'Connor and "TOC" Tommy O' Connell of Archer Street and Archer Rams "fame". Turns out they, accompanied by their wives, had arranged to meet in Savannah for the weekend. I gave them some suggestions as to "watering holes" / restaraunts and hurried off to my dinner appointment atop the Bohemian Hotel. Turns out they took my advice and came there for :). I joined them for a drink after my party left and truly enjoyed our time together. Hopefully the remainder of their trip went well. Funny how our little section of the Bronx seems to reach out and bring you back when you least expect it.

Jimmy Carolan
Jimmy Carolan
Posts: 52
Joined: Wed May 02, 2007 9:57 am

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