It was great to see everyone at the Yonkers casino on the 16.
It was a rockin night and the crowd had lots of energy which makes the gig
fun for us.
A special thank you to my former next door neighbor,Jimmy Carolan,
for organizing the night; And it was great seeing another neighbor from White Plains Rd.,
Linda Hall and my former classmates Mr. & Mrs. John Tell (Annie Fitz).
To Ritchie Burell: I remember playing accordian at one of the Christmas plays
(during the intermission). I had to hold the accordian steady because my knees
were shaking from being so nervous. I've practiced countless hours since then.
If anyone is interested we'll be back at the casino on the 4th of July (7pm start).
Maybe they'll be serving hot dogs and Hamburgers. LOL
Thank you all again; Wow how time flys.....