by Luis Vazquez » Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:01 pm
Wow, you guys have long memories...
Matt, I do remember you, but its been what, 40 years or so, ugh how time flies. Janie is your sister, right? I remember her too, she was closer to my age I think.
Anyway, my brother George did indeed lose his ring finger in the fence. I remember that day well, although I was maybe 7 at the time. George rushed into the apartment - yes at the corner of Guerlain and Leland - holding his hand, and yelling. Initially I thought it was a joke (you know, like the finger in the box), but then saw his hand was really bleeding. My father took him within a couple of minutes out to the hospital, by cab, but didn't say which one they were going to. A few minutes later someone showed up with the finger on ice, and sent them on their way, maybe to Jacobi Hospital, or Bronx Hospital, I don't remember. Whichever one we sent him to was the wrong one.
I will be posting a pic of the fence opening eventually.
Sorry I don't post more often, I go out of town alot, and don't always have internet. Its great to connect like this though. Keep it goin.
Twas Ever Thus